March 29, 2009

Rotary Rally for the Disabled

Nearly 2,000 students with mental or physical handicaps had a chance to eat, drink and be merry this weekend. The event is organized by Rotary clubs in and around Nairobi each year. Held at the Nairobi fair grounds, students were treated to a day of music, dancing, face paintings, food, donkey rides, gifts, entertainers... and even a downpour of rain didn't dampen the spirit of the rally.

As one student boarded the bus to go back home, he told a Rotarian "Merry Christmas!" When he was met with a puzzled look, he explained this is the only Christmas he'll have. It was a memorable and moving event and I was so proud to help out.

I was busy coordinating the distribution of meals, snacks, and ice cream to the children and volunteers so I didn't get a chance to interact with the crowd. So thanks to fellow Ambassadorial Scholar Megan MacDonald for the beautiful photos.

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