August 11, 2008

Acceptance Accomplished

Less than a month before classes start, I have finally been formally accepted to the University of Dar es Salaam. I have been told again and again that "things" do not happen as quickly or efficiently in Tanzania as they do in the United States. Some students even receive their acceptance letter once they arrive. Maybe I'll enjoy, or at least get used to, this change once I'm there. But the anticipation for this letter was a bit maddening.


atn19 said...

I'm the first comment! Hopefully you'll be able to blog often. I'll be checking in regularly, if not daily, because um, I'm that cool. Love you times a million.

Unknown said...

We're anxious to explore Tanzania (and beyond) thru your eyes. We'll eagerly check your posts so we can follow your extraordinary adventure. Hugs!

SarahA said...

Just learn to say "Insha Allah" a lot. It means "God Willing," except Africans use it more to mean "Yea the f*&$ right this is going to happen."

For example, "Jinna, you will get your acceptance letter in 5 days, insha Allah."